Legal Branch

The main objective is to identify the legal status of issues related to National ID card applications and documents submitted under normal services and one-day service and confirm information by contacting the applicants or related institutions directly and providing a transparent service. The main task is to refer complaints related to fake National ID cards to the Fraud Investigation Bureau, and conduct legal proceedings, and issue National ID cards based on correct documents and correct information. Furthermore, this division provides relevant information for third parties who require confirmation of National Identity Card numbers from the Department (such as the State Defense Sector, Banks and Financial Institutions, the Department of Motor Traffic, the Department of Immigration and Emigration, and the Department of Labour) and provides an impartial service by investigating individual public complaints referred to the Department by members of the public and conducting necessar legal proceedings.

Deputy Commissioner
  Name : Mr. C.A.K. Galetumbage
  Tel No : 0112862449
  Fax : 0112862378
  email :
Deputy Commissioner
  Name : Mrs. P.H.T. Madubashini
  Tel No : 011 5 226 167
  Fax : 0112862378
  email :