
Assured identity for all Sri Lankan Citizens.


To create a database of all citizens of Sri Lanka and issue National Identity Cards recognized nationally and globally to all Sri Lankan citizens, which underline their human, social, economic, political and legal rights within the country and safety outside the country, to assist national and other agencies in establishing the identity of any citizen and to support Sri Lanka’s national security and development.


  • Collection of personal data of every Sri Lankan citizen, establishment of national persons registry and maintain it as a data storage.
  • Registration of every Sri Lankan citizen who has completed the eligible age and issue National Identity Cards.
  • Confirmation of personal data of Sri Lankan citizens.
  • Exchange of information and knowledge with state or other organizations.
  • Building the capacity of the department through modern technology and human resource development.
  • Facilitate national security and development process of the country.

Main Role

  • Collecting personal data of all Sri Lankan citizens and establishment and maintenance of National Personal Registry as a central database.
  • Issuing of National Identity Card for the purpose of identifying all eligible Sri Lankan citizens reliably.
  • Facilitation of national security and the development process of the country, exchange of information according to the legal and policy based agreements and verification of information.


Establishment of a National Personal Registry by collecting information of all Sri Lankan citizens in an electronic central data base, and issuing electronic National Identity cards for the purpose of identifying eligible citizens and exchanging information with other organizations in a legal data exchanging system,facilitating national security and economic development.