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Issuance of Register of Births bearing the National Identity Card Number for newly born babies

Issuance of the Register of Births, issued by the Department of Registrar General for the children born in this country to Sri Lankan parents, bearing the Sri Lankan Identification Number (SLIN) issued by the Department for Registration of Persons is commenced with effect from 01.08.2022 joining hands with the Department for Registration of Persons and the Department of Registrar General. It is scheduled to be carried out sharing the information between those two Departments on online methodology and arrangements have been made to implement it as a pioneer project for Gampaha, Dehiwala, Hanguranketha, Kurunegala, Ratnapura and Thamankaduwa Divisional Secretariats at the beginning.

Thereby, all the citizens who obtained Register of Births so are able to obtain the National Identity Card bearing Sri Lankan Identification Number (SLIN) mentioned above when a request made from the Department for Registration of Persons to obtain National Identity Card after reaching the age of 15 years. As a same Identification number is used for all the purposes in ascertaining the personal identity through this methodology since the birth, Public and private institutions are enable to store the educational, health, financial and social information easily and members of the public will be able to obtain the services easily from such institutions since all the information have been stored under a same number.

Issuance of Register of Births bearing the National Identity Card Number for newly born babies